Friday, October 3, 2008

October 3, 3:42 pm

Graham just rolled over! Tummy to back! I'm trying to see if we can get a repeat, but having a hard time! WOW! Milestone!!



LeeAnn said...

YAY GRAHAM! So exciting!!

AK-mom said...

October 3 . . . . let's see, he was born June 17. That makes him 3 months + 3 1/2 weeks old. Way to go, Graham! A new world awaits you. I just read in Newsweek that babies need tummy time to develop neck muscles as they gaze out in front of them. I'm sure your parents know this.

Erin said...

Molly...I have to say that the memories came flooding back of when Olivia first rolled over. Of course, she did during the day when Tom was working...and it took days before Tom finally saw it. Watch out, now that he's mobile, make sure to get the house completely toddlerproof. I am sure with Lazslow, it already kind of is, but anyway, YEAH Graham...You go little guy! Love you all...Christmas will not be here soon enough! Erin