Monday, October 20, 2008

Eighteen weeks - goes TOO fast!

Today was a day I have been dreading. The day I drop my baby off into another woman's arms (Miss Natasha and Miss Colleen were the lucky ladies) and leave for several hours.

It turned that it was not as hard as I had anticipated. This is probably because Graham didn't cry as I left him - I don't think he made the connection that I wasn't coming back right away. We'll see how he does on Wednesday when we go back. I will say, however, that I watched the clock like a hawk all day and raced to my car the minute the clock hit 5 - mincing words with anyone who tried to cordially greet me on my way out the door! My baby is waiting - OUTTA MY WAY!!

When I got there, the teacher had him in a Bumbo seat facing her with two other little ones, singing a song with a puppet. Graham had an enthralled look of joy on his face, with a huge grin and I could hear him cooing along with her. They said he did have kind of a tough day; he'd had moments of tears and he only ate one ounce all day ... but my mother-in-law (and the teachers here) have encouraged me that it's only hard for about 2 weeks, until they settle into the pattern.

Here are a couple of pics of the kinds of fun he had today ... this cute little girl just thinks Graham is the BOMB!!

1 comment:

Kay Lynn said...

I was praying for you yesterday, Molly! Glad to hear it went well.