Monday, January 18, 2010

On our sick kiddo ...

This weekend we had a sick toddler. It is the first time Graham has been this sick - high fever and waking in the nighttime. It's also been a new step in my realizations that I am the Mommy now ... it makes me remember how good it felt to have my Mom next to me, to just be near her, or - even better - in her arms when I was feeling icky sicky. Actually, this is what first triggered my mommy-instinct that something might be amiss ... constant up-up-up, Mommy Mommy Mommy, and long-lasting snuggles and shoulder-head-resting from a boy who can't sit still on my lap for longer than 2 min.

Although it has been really hard seeing him unhappy (and his nose is so snotty!), it has been great for me to see that Graham has a special connection with me. We are also working to make sure he understands that Daddy is comforting too. This works out well for everyone ... it contributes to Graham's learning that Daddy is safe and "home" too, gives Pat the opportunity to comfort, and gives me a few hours off!

[I do have to say, what a kiddo! Look at the smile on his face above ... this is the attitude he has had the majority of the time he's been feeling icky. This year has been amazing as we've been watching elements of his little personality coming to light!]

Other highlights from this weekend - Graham now knows about football. If he sees it on TV he says FOOTBALL!! This does come out a bit more like BOO-BAH!! But with the enthusiasm in his voice and on his face, we know he's talking about football. Yes, this does come from his mommy and daddy. He also says "Touchdown!" but this requires a bit more coaching.

While we're on the topic, Graham also now knows about TV. We had been doing a pretty good job of keeping it pretty low-key, but now after a few times watching with family, he says Tee-bee-Tee-bee-a-bee and points to the TV as if to say, can we turn that thing on again? Although, I have noticed that it seems that watching football is different than watching other stuff. Very good. As it should be, I suppose.

I'm working on updating our Shutterfly site, and will have all pics updated soon. I will also be posting Christmas pictures here too.

If you're wondering if you might have been left off our Christmas card list, please stop wondering. You were not left off - we simply did not send cards this year ... it was an "off" season for us, but we are looking forward to sending one next year!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Just watched the movie Bella; not what you'd expect, but lovely. Feeling deeply introspective; maybe it's the music [what a soundtrack] or the beauty of the story, and the rich love of Jose's family... or the realization/recollection of the depth and meaning a child brings to life. I just find myself pausing and wanting to record my thoughts.

Oh ~ for the ability to capture my thoughts! They are here and so meaningful, and then they flit away the very next moment:: an idea to make marriage more meaningful, a tradition I'd love to establish, a thought about pursuing meaning in life, the balance between comfort and conserving -

It seems I'm so quickly on to the next thing ... the next "urgent" thing - how many important things am I missing? How do I capture the ideas I have had, these ideas that might lead me to identifying emotions, and the meaning behind them?

Now distancing myself from the immediacy of that emotion, I see ... I do know; I know I need space and time. This is something I need to learn to give to myself; I need to learn how to find.

Now, I am going to go take a bath. Good night. And God, I love you still, and deeply fully wholeheartedly.