Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fun with Family ...

Wanted to share some quick pics of our time with family over the past month. There are more on our shutterfly site (see links on the left of the blog window).

Grandmother and Granddad Bettger came into town this weekend and spent some time with Graham. They fell in love (again) immediately on arrival - Graham is just finding out how fun it is to smile, and Grandmother & Granddad loved every one. My brother Andy and his girlfriend Lauren were also coming through town for a wedding in Salem, so we got to spend some time Friday and Saturday with them.

Saturday was full of projects for Pat and Dad. We also hit the UL Employee Picnic, where Graham was an admired attendee. Sunday, we walked the Pearl District together, eating at two fun restaurants, and enjoying the boutiques and shops. At a local cooking store, I tried (unsuccessfully) to convince Pat to buy me a new knife. I have cut myself a few times while cooking in the past couple of years (not bad cuts, mind you), so Pat thinks that I will be even more dangerous with a sharp knife. I doubt it. Just imagine how much more effective I would be at cooking!

A couple of weeks ago, we spent several days in Iowa with my extended family (Uncle Ken & Aunt Pam) and my grandma Esther (Graham's Great Grandma). We also visited with Pat's family, staying with his sister Amy and brother-in-law, Jode (and their 3 month old, Ethan). Pat's parents and sister Erin & brother-in-law, Tom and their 2 year old daughter Olivia came down from Wisconsin. This was a great trip for us - excellent time with family, even though the heat and humidity were pretty intense. Graham is now an experienced flier (and we have been through the experience of flying with an infant). Thanks everyone for hosting!

Here's Granddad Tom hanging out with Graham on Friday.

This is us walking in the Pearl after eating a quick bite at Fenouil next to one of Portland's coolest community fountains.
We had an early dinner at the Deschutes Brewery restaurant. So good! We will be eating there again! There's a much shorter wait at 3:30 pm on a Sunday than the last time we tried to eat here.

Here's Graham hanging out in the back seat with the grandparents.

Here I am with my Grandma Esther (Graham's Great Grandma Esther)

Here are the new parents - Jode, Amy & Ethan, and Pat, Molly & Graham


Den Mom said...

Nice pictures, Molly! The one with Great Grandma Esther looks like she is 10 years younger! BTW, please read your email. I sent a message about knives. Love your blog! Hug that boy for me!


Kay Lynn said...

Grandmother and Granddad.... WOW.

And studies show that sharp knives are actually safer than dull knives. Except for Andy, probably.

Love you guys!

Andrew said...

I was there last weekend too. Uncles are just as important as Grandparents.

Andrew said...

What does that even mean KK?

I'm a dull knife?

Or I am dangerous with knives?

mollyb said...

Andy, recall the story at a store that shall remain nameless - where you cut yourself on the knife as you were putting it back on the magnet strip - requiring stitches - and a great cleanup job at the store ... :)